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5 Leading Causes of Large Truck Accidents and How to Prevent Them

5 Leading Causes of Large Truck Accidents and How to Prevent Them

When we hear about big-rig accidents, it’s easy to jump to conclusions and blame driver negligence. However, the reality is more nuanced. According to the Department of Transportation, 60% of all truck accidents do not involve driver error. In fact, large trucks are statistically involved in fewer accidents than other vehicles. Despite this, the nature of the industry means that professional drivers or someone they know might experience an accident at some point in their careers.

To help you stay safe on the road, we’ve identified the top causes of large truck accidents and provided tips on how to avoid them.

1. Adverse Weather Conditions
Weather is a major factor in many trucking accidents, particularly in rain, snow, fog, sleet, and high winds. Of these, rain is the most frequent culprit.

As a driver, it’s crucial to adapt to these conditions by reducing speed, increasing following distance, and ensuring your truck is well-maintained to handle adverse weather. Regularly check your tires, brakes, and windshield wipers to make sure they’re in top shape.

2. Distracted Driving
Distracted driving isn’t always the fault of the truck driver. Other motorists who aren’t paying attention can also cause accidents. However, practicing defensive driving can help you anticipate and avoid these situations.

Common distractions include:

  • Adjusting mirrors or the radio
  • Using cell phones or other devices
  • Eating or drinking
  • Reaching for items in the cab
  • Consulting GPS or maps

Stay focused, stay calm, and keep your attention on the road to minimize the risk of distraction-related accidents.

3. Equipment Failures
Mechanical issues are another significant cause of accidents. Regular pre-trip inspections and proper maintenance are essential for ensuring the safety of your rig and those around you.

Key areas to monitor include:

  • Brake systems
  • Tires
  • Steering mechanisms
  • Trailer attachments
  • Suspension components
  • Cargo tie-downs

By catching potential issues before they become problems, you can reduce the likelihood of equipment-related accidents.

4. Unsafe Driving Practices
Unsafe driving behaviors can have catastrophic consequences. Common risky behaviors include:

  • Driver fatigue
  • Aggressive driving
  • Speeding
  • Substance use
  • Improper lane changes
  • Failure to maintain safe following distances
  • Driving in blind spots

To avoid these dangers, ensure you’re well-rested, adhere to traffic laws, drive defensively, and never consume drugs or alcohol before or during a drive.

5. Cargo Loading Issues
How a truck is loaded can make a significant difference in its stability and safety. Improperly secured or overloaded cargo can cause a truck to jackknife, roll over, or lose control, especially during sudden maneuvers or heavy braking.

To prevent these accidents, always verify that your load is balanced, evenly distributed, and securely fastened. Never overload your truck or trailer, and ensure all cargo is properly contained.

By staying aware of these common causes and taking proactive steps, you can significantly reduce the risk of accidents. Safe driving habits not only protect you but also help ensure the safety of everyone sharing the road.

Looking for a safe and supportive team?
At Roeder Cartage Co. Inc., we prioritize the safety of our drivers with rigorous training and strict safety standards. If you’re interested in joining a company that values your well-being, visit our careers page today.