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How to get healthy while you are on the road

The one thing we could all do a little more of this year is focus on our healthy habits. If you don’t think you have many healthy habits then there is no better time than the present to implement some into your daily routine. 

How to get healthy while you are on the road:

  1. Start Small
  2. Sleep more
  3. Exercise 
  4. Stop smoking

Start small

If you feel overwhelmed by implementing new habits into your daily routine there is one thing you can do and that is to start small. Don’t feel like you have to do a complete 360 in order to start living healthy. Find something that works for you. Whether that is: drinking a bottle of water a day, cutting out a can of soda, eating a banana instead of a candy bar, etc. Starting small is the best way to implement new habits into your daily life. 

Sleep more

Sleep is crucial to a healthy body. Sleep helps build our immune system, reduce stress, and fight off disease. If you find it hard to sleep each night look at your routine. Can you turn off your phone or tv an hour earlier just to relax? Does reading help you relax? If so, pick up a book a try to read a couple of pages before bed. Implementing small changes into your daily routine will help you fall asleep faster and that’s a win.


How often do you exercise? If you can’t remember the last time you went to a gym, that’s okay. Exercise doesn’t have to involve a gym membership. You can get exercise just by walking. Try to get at least 10,000 steps a day. You can also perform bodyweight exercises where you are. Whether that involves pushups, situps, lunges, squats, and so on. Bodyweight exercises are a start and if all you can commit to is 5 push-ups a day that is a start. Continue to build upon your routine as you progress.

Stop smoking

Are you a smoker? If so, we are sure you’ve heard how bad smoking is for your health. Like we said from the beginning, start small. Start by cutting out one cigarette a day and then progress from there. If you need further help, visit your family doctor for more tips and information on how to quit smoking.

As always, if you are starting any new diet or exercise program speak to your doctor first. 

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