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How truckers can protect themselves during flu season

Flu season is swiftly approaching and it doesn’t matter what field of work you are in, you can’t escape it. Airborne illnesses are everywhere and the people you encounter in your daily activities could be sick and not even know it. The gas pumps, door handles, restaurants, etc. could all be covered in germs. Are you ready to fight the flu? 

How truckers can protect themselves during flu season:

  1. Wash your hands
  2. Social distance when possible
  3. Eat healthily
  4. Sleep
  5. Stay active
  6. Get regular checkups

Wash your hands

You’ve heard it all your life and this simple task may not seem like a lot, but it does more than you think. Washing your hands with soap and water for the proper amount of time (singing happy birthday) can rid your hands of the germs you collect just by touching simple things. If you don’t have the ability to always wash your hands — try carrying some hand sanitizer with you. 

Social distance when possible

If you don’t have to be around large groups of people don’t. I know we’ve heard that all year but you truly never know if someone around you is sick. Stay 6 feet away from other individuals if all possible.

Eat healthily

It’s important that you stick to your daily calories, but also think about the types of foods you are consuming. Try to eat foods are rich in vitamins and minerals that will help build a strong immune system. 


Don’t forget to sleep. Getting the proper amount of rest for your age is important. Why? Because sleep helps you rest and it helps build a strong immune system as well. 

Stay active

Do you like to exercise? Try to dedicate at least 30 minutes a day to some high-intensity workout. Working out helps promote a strong and healthy body. 

Get regular checkups

When was the last time you saw your doctor or had blood work done? Knowing how healthy you truly are can help determine which way you need to go when it comes to making improvements. Talk to your doctor today about the steps to building a strong immune system.

As always, there are endless possibilities for growth when choosing to be a truck driver, and when considering a job as a truck driver, we urge you to consider Roeder Cartage Co. Inc. We offer great pay, fantastic training opportunities, and a family atmosphere. Need more reasons to consider joining our team? Check out our jobs page today and get started with an excellent career.