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Money Management Tips for Truckers

With so much time out on the road, you might face the challenge of correctly managing your money. It is important to manage money wisely as a truck driver. Treating yourself is great every now and then, but saving up to pay for the things you need and want in the future is better and smarter than spending every hard-earned dollar right away on things that aren’t really necessary. Here are some smart money management tips to follow.

Make A Budget

 The first step you should take if you’re trying to save money is to create a budget. Instead of spending money blindly and landing yourself in a pile of debt, you should plan where every penny of your money will go by making a monthly budget. You may be asking yourself, “How do I do this?” First of all, calculate your average monthly income. Since you are a truck driver, your paycheck will vary, but you should still be able to get a good idea by doing some simple math. Provided that you have your pay stubs from your current job, collect all of them that you can find, add all of the checks together, and divide by the number of months’ checks you have. This gives you your average monthly salary. Secondly, make a list of all your mandatory payments: everything from food to insurance to rent. You can also set some of your bills to auto-pay online to keep track of your expenses better. I’m sure your busy schedule keeps your mind running with several different things, and forgetting bills happens. With auto-pay, you can be kept at ease to worry about other important things in your life. Also, set an alarm for auto-pay payments so it won’t come as a shock to you when you see money deducted from your bank account.

The most important thing to remember with budgeting is: Do not spend more than you earn.

Skip Fast Food

There are two things to worry about with fast food: it’s unhealthy and the cost of eating out everyday gets pricey. Instead of spending ~$7 on an unhealthy McDonald’s meal twice a day, try buying groceries at a local supermarket. This will not only provide you with healthier options, but also save you loads of money. If you’re looking for cheaper essentials, try your local discount store to save even more money.

If you get groceries, you may want to invest in a mini fridge to store them while on the road. These may be expensive; however, this will end up saving you money because you will be able to store your groceries for extended periods of time.


Take Advantage of Deals

Get truck stop loyalty cards to earn rewards for gas and food purchases, and possibly even truck maintenances. You can get points for each gallon of gas you purchase to redeem for Wi-Fi, food, and other merchandise. Sometimes you’ll get a free shower or drink for purchasing 50 gallons or more of diesel. Also, take advantage of services provided at your company terminals. Many will have free laundry facilities. This will save you lots of money. Bring enough clothes to last you while you’re on the road, and stop there to do your laundry for free.

These are just a few ways for you to save money on the road. Every little bit saved goes a long way. It can be challenging to save money while you’re constantly on the road in new places, but with these tips you can become smarter financially. Remember, it’s all about planning and budgeting. Don’t make it more difficult than it needs to be.


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